Ways To Give
Please Pray!
We covet your prayers for our clients, volunteers, therapists and horses! Thank you for remembering to pray for the work being done here! God has blessed us in so many ways, and we have so much to be thankful for!

Monetary Donations
If you would like to make a donation, please send your check or money order made payable to:
Cross Keys Equine Therapy
6107 Horse Farm Ln
Port Republic, VA 24471
All donations are tax-deductible, and can be sent online, mail, or in-person! Become a monthly donor with automatic donations! Your support allows us to provide services on a sliding scale and provide scholarship funds for eligible clients.
Ready to donate and help support our programs? Donate using the form below:
Become a Herd Hero
Our herd of horses are AWESOME! To keep them as healthy as possible requires daily feed and supplements, good hay, and regular hoof, dental and vet care. Herd Heros are faithful supporters of CKET who commit to donating each month by setting up recurring payments online. It is critical that we have reliable monthly income to know that our herd and our clients will be well cared for all year long, and to help us plan strategically for the future.
All of our horses are special to us and to our clients. By becoming a Herd Hero you help us to take the best possible care of all of our horses, as well as provide scholarships so that individuals in need can benefit from relationships with these special creatures regardless of ability to pay.
Thank you to all of our Herd Heros!

Donations of supplies are also welcome! Our ongoing needs are:
- Snacks/Craft Supplies
- Landscaping
- Marketing/Fundraising
- Printing Materials
- Outdoor Sound System for Equine-Assisted Services
- Footing for Arena
- Grant Writer
- Run-in Sheds for Fields
Please email Alicia Burns at alicia@crosskeysequinetherapy.org if you or your group or organization would like more informatin

The LaVonne Cable Scholarship Fund
On Sunday, September 22, 2013, we received an email from Keith and Tasia Chilton. The email stated that they had found our website and were particularly interested in our Equi-Rhythm program. Tasia’s mother, LaVonne Cable, had passed away the Friday before. She had worked with horses her entire life. In going through her computer, Keith and Tasia found a paper she had written for a community college this year that talked about her dream of starting a Christ centered equine therapy program with music. They were interested in starting a scholarship fund in her honor that would allow others to contribute to her dream, and enable people to experience the healing work of Jesus using horses and music – especially those whose lives had been affected by sexual or physical abuse. From the very beginning, and as we corresponded back and forth through email and phone conversations, it became very clear that this was truly a gift from God – both LaVonne’s life, her work, and her passion – and the way God was bringing it to Cross Keys Equine Therapy – was so encouraging and inspiring. We are honored that the LaVonne Cable family has decided to donate her Scholarship Fund to our Equi-Rhythm program. We encourage you to read her article “What I Want to Be When I Grow Up”. It is attached below. We trust that you will be as uplifted as we were when we read it. The very last sentence of her paper states “I hope to be active and helpful as long as I am on planet earth.” I believe she will be active and helpful much longer than she ever realized.
“What I Want to Be When I Grow Up” by LaVonne Cable
Make a donation to the LaVonne Cable Scholarship Fund
Volunteer with THRIVE!
We love our volunteers!! We can’t thank you enough for your time, energy and love for this place and this work! There are always many volunteer opportunities available – from exercising & grooming horses to cleaning paddocks! We have listed a few of the ongoing volunteer positions available below and will post special projects on our Facebook page and Upcoming Events page. Please call or email if you or your organization would like to come spend a day at the farm!
Volunteer Opportunities
Intercessory Prayer Team (ReStore)
[Click here for more information]
Horse Care: Feeding and cleaning, grooming, groundwork, equi-massage
Grounds: Clean-up, repairs, special projects
Events: Fundraisers, Great Community Give, Benefit Horse Shows