Board of Directors

Alycia Eldridge- President
Alycia Eldridge joined the Cross Keys Equine Therapy Board of Directors in August of 2020 and currently serves as President. In her professional life, Alycia is an attorney, and she works with sexual assault survivors and other survivors of trauma. Alycia is a lifelong horsewoman. She grew up on a racehorse farm, and has shown hunters and jumpers for most of her life. Alycia felt called to join CKET because of the unique way CKET combines the healing and counseling process and the powerful relationship between horse and human. Alycia is married and has two four-legged babies, her horse Timmy and her miniature donkey Simon.
Sharon Hardigree – Vice President
Sharon Hardigree joined the Cross Keys Equine Therapy Board of Directors in August of 2022. Sharon stepped back from the role of Clinical Director of Operations for the Emergency Department at the University of Virginia post-COVID to care for her aging mother. She currently serves as an independent healthcare leadership consultant with contracts supporting healthcare organizations striving to meet the needs of the underserved and the disabled. As an ER Nurse, Sharon understands the impact of mental health on patients, families and coworkers. She feels called to the BOD at this time to support CKET as it expands the programs and offers healing and hope to people of all ages and professions.

Alicia Burns- Founder/Executive Director
Alicia is the Founder/Executive Director of Cross Keys Equine Therapy. CKET was born from a deep desire to see healing in people from significant trauma, to see people living free in the truth of their identity in Christ, and to partner these things with the unique nature and beauty of horses in a peaceful environment. She is married to Bruce, and they have two grown children, Collin and Christianne.
Jill Lassiter-Secretary
Jill Lassiter is a professor in the Department of Health Sciences at James Madison University. She is a wife, mother of 4 children, health educator, and lover of animals. She first came to know CKET as the mother of a client who grew and flourished in her work with the horses and the staff. She joined the board in 2021 as a way to help share her passion for helping others to be physically and mentally healthy.