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Cross Keys Equine Therapy is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing quality equine assisted therapy and learning activities located in Port Republic, Virginia.  Our 90 acre farm is nestled in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley and provides a haven for horses, as well as people, that promotes heart change and healing.

What is equine therapy?

Equine-assisted psychotherapy (EAP) is a counseling session facilitated by a team of the horse, a mental health professional (our current team consists of a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, a Resident in Counseling and a Supervisee in Social Work), and an equine professional. EAP is done on the ground or while riding the horse, depending on the client’s needs. Our newest program, VALOR, is a part of our EAP program that seeks to provide services and funding for veterans and first responders. 

At Cross Keys Equine Therapy (CKET), we believe that the relationship between the horse and client is at the forefront of the healing process. We utilize a trauma-informed approach as developed by Natural Lifemanship (NL) in which “clients are able to address and move through past or present damaging life circumstances, understand how those circumstances affect their current interactions, and make the personal changes necessary for healthy, fulfilling relationships in the present and future” (NL, 2015). CKET upholds these principles in our work with our clients through working to develop healthy relationship skills, boundaries, self-awareness, and self-regulation.

Why horses?

Horses are seen as unique and equal partners in the therapeutic process.  They are prey animals, which means that there are profound parallels between the brain functioning of horses and that of humans who have experienced trauma, and may live in a state of alarm. Thus, horses force us to be in the present moment with them, and offer immediate observable and non-judgmental feedback based on one’s interaction with them. Our horses are equal partners in all programs at Cross Keys Equine Therapy. Much like humans, horses are herd animals and are seeking connection with others. We believe the horse provides us with exactly what we need at any given time and clients are better able to receive a message through the interaction with the horse.

Who can benefit?

Anyone! EAP is not limited to one area of mental health concern, but can address a range of disorders and maladaptive behaviors. Through the experiential process of developing a connection with the horse, clients learn how to build trust, have healthy boundaries and make requests in a relationship. They will also learn how to calm their bodies and minds and learn how the brain creates pathways that impact their behavior.  Individuals then go out into the world with an enhanced toolbox of emotional regulation skills, knowledge of brain science and the experience of building a safe and secure relationship from the ground up.